Demonstrative lesson at the Foreign Languages Department

On October, 22 the senior teacher of the Foreign Languages department A.E. Smatova conducted a demonstrative lesson « My first experiment» in group 201 of “Pharmacy”.

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The multimedia equipment and visual aids were used during the lesson. An interesting chemical experiment called «The artificial snow» was successfully made by the students. For that experiment we needed 3 grams of benzoic acid and a twig of pine-needle. First we put benzoic acid into a glass with the twig of pine-needle on it; then we placed the glass on an electric stove and closed it with a round-bottom flask filled with cold water, the next we switched on the electric stove.  It took 15-20 minutes to get that artificial snow. The students explained every detail of the experiment in English. Interactive games like «Field of wonders», «Complete the phrase» were applied for developing student’s speaking and writing skills, logical and creative thinking. The objectives of the lesson were achieved. The heads of the departments and the teachers observed the lesson and enjoyed the students’ performance.   

02.11.2015, 23:00