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In 2015-16 of academic years, South- Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy graduated the first class according to educational program “Technology of pharmaceutical production”

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From June 21 to 24, 2016 the university organized a diploma defence within the state end – of - course assessment of graduates of this educational program. The State Exam Board was headed by T.K. Kyrgyzbayev. Among the Board members were representatives of graduating departments, the dean and the deputy dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, as well as representatives of pharmaceutical companies of south region –Zh.O. Kenzhebekov,the executive director of LLP “Zerde-Phyto” and D. Donchev, Director of R @ D JSC “Khimpharm”.

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The chairman and the Board members praised the level and content of the presented diplomas, noting their practical value and graduates’ high level of knowledge.

29.06.2016, 06:29