"Dedication to the students"

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On October 7, 2015 at the House of friendship of nations by. S.Seifullin for students of the South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy a festive ceremony "Dedicationto the students” was held.

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With greeting word vice-principal  for educational and methodical work M.U.Anartaeva addressed to students and warmly congratulated them on this event and wished the students success in their studies.

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The event was continued with the traditional oath "Dedication to students", and then the students were presented the keys of knowledge and student tickets. It was shown a video about the life of the Academy on the theme "Be a disciplined person, student."

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Moreover, with the organization of the student trade union and youth policy department deans noted active young people in education and in public life and students who received the Altyn Belgi sign and those who received a high score on the UNT. The event continued with tuneful songs and fun dances. At the end of the holiday, students met with activists and leaders of SKSPhA.

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14.10.2015, 09:11