Dear teaching staff (teachers), students of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy!

On the eve of the new academic year, a little about our achievements and upcoming plans.

According to the ratings of 2018 conducted by Kazakhstan agencies, in our case this is the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education, our academy took the 3rd place. In the rating of educational programs the specialty were marked the bachelor's degree in "Pharmacy", the specialties of the master's degree "Medicine", "Nursing care", "Pharmacy".

Preparation for the admission of students at all levels of education was aimed at strengthening the material and technical base of the Academy: commissioned a new educational building with an area of more than 7,000 square meters, next to the academic building deliver a hostel for 500 seats.

This is a wonderful gift from Stockholder for our students, teaching staff and employees. This fact is very symbolic: with a new housing - to new successes!

The Academy received the right to provide educational services and made a selection of new bachelor's specialties "Pediatrics", "Stomatology" and doctoral PhD "Pharmacy"!

You, the participants and creators of these events, you know them well. I will add only one that our university is waiting for a relations year in all respects!

I wish all students and teachers, those who are no newcomer to science and those who today took the first step to the heights of knowledge, successful study and work, good health, happiness, perseverance and patience, new discoveries, recognition and high awards.

Congratulations on the New Academic Year!


Rector of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy,

professor Rysbekov Myrzabek Myrzashevich

03.09.2018, 04:00