Dear students!



Dear students!

The South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (Shymkent), as the whole world, is concerned about the problem of coronovirus infection. By decree of President Tokayev K.K. measures were taken to prevent and not spread it in the country.

As you know, a ban has been imposed on holding mass cultural and sports events, conferences and exhibitions. A strict sanitary regime has been introduced in crowded places, shopping centers and markets, catering establishments, train stations and airports. Shops and shopping centers will operate normally, but cinemas in shopping centers suspend their activities.

On behalf of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Aymagambetov, starting March 16, all universities switched to distance learning.

South Kazakhstan Medical Academy strictly adheres to this requirement. The Academy is currently ready for distance learning. Appropriate preparations have been made, schedules, schedules have been adjusted, and Internet systems in full operation mode. The faculty began today to work remotely.

We hope that our students and their parents will be sympathetic to the situation with the coronovirus infection, and together we will overcome these temporary problems and difficulties. If students do not go home, but want to stay, then all the conditions for this are already prepared.


For all questions of the organization of the educational process during this period, contact:

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine -

Doltaeva Bibigul Zaydullaevna, tel. 87017617354,


Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy -

Daurenbekov Kanat Narbekovich, tel. 87053587480,


Dean of the International Faculty -

Tashmukhambetov Bauyrzhan Galikhanovich, tel. 87010833388,


Director of the College of Medicine -

Kushkarova Altynshash Mukhametkalievna, tel. 87022102313,


SKMA management

16.03.2020, 04:18