Cycle of patriotic lectures «State language - Kazakh language»

On November 21, 2023, the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy, the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages and the Department of Foreign Languages, in connection with paragraph 3.2 of the protocol instruction of the President of RK K. K. Tokayev in connection with paragraph 3.2 of the protocol instruction of the National Kurultai №23-01-14.1 of June 17, 2023 "In order to strengthen the role of the state language and expand its scope in science and education" held a series of lectures on the theme of "the state language - Kazakh language".
More than 100 1st year students of all specialties took part in the lecture.
The purpose of the lecture: to increase the reading status and quality of education, to form high civil and spiritual-moral values in the younger generation, to develop cultural and educational competencies, to develop intellectual and spiritual growth of students, to familiarize them with reading, national and world culture, to promote reading and book values.

21.11.2023, 17:39