Current Issues of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

In his message to the people of the strategic development program "Kazakhstan-2030" our Elbasy Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev said that "Every citizen of Kazakhstan should have good health and well-being." On this basis, on November 25, 2021, in honor of December 1 - "World AIDS Day", organized by the Department of Internal Medicine Propedeutics, a student offline conference was held.
The purpose of the conference: to explain that AIDS is the main problem of mankind today, about its harmful consequences, to study the danger of this disease, which has become the disease of the century, in order to induce people to avoid bad habits.
The event was attended by the head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, acting. associate professor Sadykova G.S., doctor of medical sciences, professor Bekmurzaeva E.K., head teacher of the department Korganbaeva Kh.T., master of medical sciences Taskynova M.Y., assistants: Toktarova G.A., Batkhieva M.B., as well as 3rd year students of the Faculty of General Medicine.
Head of the Department "Propedeutics of Internal Diseases" Sadykova G.S. She greeted all the conference participants, informed about the urgency of the AIDS issue, the danger to society and the importance of preventive measures.
The students, in turn, shared information about the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of AIDS. For the purpose of feedback, the students were presented with test questions, situational tasks and crosswords. Specially invited to the event master of medical sciences of the Department "Surgery-1" Ashirov B.O., master of medical sciences Pilalov B.U. shared their views on the importance of AIDS.
The conference was held under the leadership of the master of medical sciences, assistant of the department Amanova E.O. At the end of the conference, the assistant of the department "Propedeutics of internal diseases" Amanova E.O. presented letters of thanks to students who took an active part.

29.11.2021, 22:48