Medicinal plants were planted in the Kaskasu and Yntymak areas by students of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th courses, undergraduates, doctoral students and teaching staff of the Department of Pharmacognosy.
By joint efforts, medicinal plants are planned to be grown on 3 hectares, along the perimeter of which plants most corresponding to local natural conditions were planted.
The process of growing seedlings at the Department of Pharmacognosy has begun since January 2022, planting at the Yntymak site was reproduced in April, and in May of the same year, plants blooming despite the presence of extreme conditions were planted at the Kaskasu site.

For the cultivation of medicinal plants, basically the same principles apply that apply to agricultural crops, but at the same time, certain features of these crops must be taken into account.

Each medicinal plant requires a very specific approach and development of growing technology for local conditions. Sowing a medicinal crop should be carried out at strictly established times for a particular plant in a given region.

Cultivation of medicinal plants should be developed in areas with good environmental conditions. Creating a market for environmentally friendly products in the republic, economic regulation of the production of environmentally friendly products from natural raw materials, attracting investments for these purposes will allow solving a number of tasks of the socio-economic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

13.05.2022, 18:00