Counseling training seminar for girls

On December 07, 2022 in the large assembly hall of SKMA a training seminar for girls on "Prevention of Premature Pregnancy" was held, organized by the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Girls' Council Aykorkom. The assistant of chair of obstetrics and gynecology Akberdieva Gulmira Orynbekovna, the residents of academy Azimhanova Aksaule Abdimanapovna, the 4th year student of group В-ЖМА-03-19 Les Aynur, the 4th year student of group В-ЖМОБ-11-19 Kuttykuzhanova Amalia also students of 1-3 course took part in the meeting.

The event was opened by Askar Merey, leader of Aikorkem, who spoke about the purpose of the event. The main goal - personal hygiene of girls, the importance of moral health.
Akberdieva Gulmira Orynbekovna, assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology, told students about the physiology of puberty, the normal menstrual cycle, hygiene, prevention of early intercourse and pregnancy, methods of contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, the consequences of this.
At the end of the event, questionnaires were handed out and concluded with answers to students' questions.

23.12.2022, 10:41