Corruption is a disease of society

On April 7, 2021 at 15:00 the staff of the Department of Chemical Sciences of SKМА led by Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Acting Professor responsible for educational work at the department Alikhanova H.B. conducted an online educational webinar "Corruption - a disease of society" for students of "Pharmaceutical Production Technology" specialty.

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The main purpose of this event is to consider ways to combat and prevent corruption, encourage society to prevent bribery and extortion in any environment.

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Participants of the event: R.B. Makhanbetov an employee of the anti-corruption department of the National Security Committee, President of the Shymkent City Project Council "Adaldik alany" Zh. Kambar, Compliance Officer N. Pernebekov, dean of the faculty K.N. Daurenbekov.

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14.04.2021, 03:16