Corruption in society is a task for everyone!

In honor of "December 9 – the International day of fight against corruption" for students of South Kazakhstan medical Academy on December 5, 2019 in the Assembly hall of SKMA "hour of honesty"was held.

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The purpose of the event: promotion among the younger generation of the values of loyalty and integrity, the negative consequences of corruption, their prevention and a broad explanation of the achievements achieved in the country.

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The event was attended by first Deputy head of the Department of Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on anti-corruption in Shymkent, Talgar Serikbayev Abdualievich, Chairman of the project office of Shymkent city "Adulty Alay" Tolebayev Yerasyl Alibaevich, head of the Department of social Affairs and youth policy of Salim Erbol Kalmurzaevich. At the meeting, students asked questions, shared their thoughts with the guests.

06.12.2019, 12:15