Cooperation with universities of Uzbekistan

The teaching staff of the South Kazakhstan medical academy the head of the department of dental disciplines Shukparov A.B., the head of the department of microbiology Seitkhanova B.T. and the head of the department of emergency medical care and nursing Seidakhmetova A. A. took part in the work of the 1st Republican scientific and practical conference with international participation “Modern achievements and prospects for the development of public health protection” held by the Tashkent State Dental Institute (Republic of Uzbekistan). The purpose of the conference is to create a modern health care system that will ensure, preserve and strengthen the health and well-being of the population, form a model of a healthy lifestyle. 

A group of representatives of the academy was received by the rector of the university, professor Rizayev Zh.A.

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Professor Seitkhanova B.T. made a report “Formation of microbiocenoses of the main biotopes in newborns in the dynamics”.

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12.04.2019, 03:38