Cooperation with universities of Uzbekistan

«The year of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan reflects the genuinely fraternal relations of our two peoples, which go back to the depths of centuries with their roots. They are backed by a common history, rich spiritual heritage of our ancestors. We have a common worldview, a world outlook, a common culture, religion and traditions», - said the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev at the opening of the year of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan.

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A group of students of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute passed the practice of pharmacognosy at the training and production base of the Kaska-Su of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.

Rector of the Academy, Professor Rysbekov M.M. accepted a group of Tashkent students with the head of practice, handed certificates of manufacturing practice.

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09.07.2018, 01:12