Cooperation in combination with rational mobility between "Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D.Asfendiyarov" and "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy"

Assistant of the Department "Infectious Diseases and Dermatovenerology" of JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy", D. S. Aliyev in February 2023, NAO"KazNMU named after S. D.Asfendiyarov" conducted academic mobility at the Department "Epidemiology with a course of HIV infection".
During the lesson, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician S. Amreev presented information from a two-volume textbook on standard definitions of events and algorithms of events, Government resolutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, orders of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, clinical protocol, morbidity statistics, monitoring, atlas, epidemiological map, operational message, medical history, comprehensive plan, annual report, analysis, used questionnaires, reference, methodological manuals, videos, students defended samples of such documents in small groups, supplementing them with optimal and effective new thoughts.

At lectures, practical classes, conferences, small groups, speakers, debates, TBL, CBL, created feedback using educational methodologies focused on problems and projects. Conducted an open lesson with the participation of the teaching staff on the methods of "standardized patient" (SP) and project-oriented education (POE). At the open lesson, practical skills were demonstrated using the JV methodology on the topic "Epidemiological control of medical tactics in case of suspicion of a particularly dangerous infection", two small scientific groups on PSC were formed, which defended small primary projects on the topics "study of the presence of near and distant consequences of vaccination against rabies","study of the possibility of transmission of brucellosis by ticks".
In addition, in order to increase knowledge, familiarization, he visited the scientific library, the museum of the university, left a memorable signature.
"Family values", "no drug addiction" with the participation of second- and third-year students, majoring in PDS. We choose a healthy lifestyle."

Assistant D. S. Aliyev was welcomed on behalf of the department and presented to the author of a 2-volume practical manual in Kazakh and Russian edited by S. Amreev "standard definitions of cases of infectious and parasitic diseases and algorithms of measures".
In real practice, it was seen that academic mobility is two-way for students, students, and it was used to the full. We hope that in the future this type of education will develop further, strengthening cooperation.

27.02.2023, 15:20