Conversation organized by the student’s circle "Eureka" on the theme “Opportunities for Youth”

Departments of Social and Humanitarian disciplines and the History of Kazakhstan and Social disciplines together with members of the “Eureka” circle, specialists from the “Damu” Entrepreneurship Development Fund, “Atameken” and the chairman of the student’s trade union committee of JSC SKMA Baimbetova B.S., as well as with the chief specialist of the “Damu” fund Isakov Sabyrzhan on February 25, 2022 at 12.00 noon organized and held a conversation among the students of the Medical Academy.
The purpose of the event: to familiarize and popularize the opportunities for our youth in the country in accordance with modern requirements, the specifics of the needs of young people and to attract young people to small and medium-sized businesses in the country.
During a conversation with students on the topic "Opportunities for Youth", organized by the circle "Eureka", the chairman of the student trade union committee Baimbetova B.S., the departments of social and humanitarian disciplines and the history of Kazakhstan and social sciences were raised and discussed the topical issues related to state support of youth, with opportunities in terms of organizing of education and work abroad, acquiring housing for young families, developing youth entrepreneurship, employment opportunities, improving the health of the younger generation, and teaching financial literacy.
Mr. Isakov Sabyrzhan, as the chief specialist of the “Damu” fund, noted that young people now in society have many opportunities for doing business. He noted that there are many preferential loans for starting a business from the “Damu” fund. Therefore, the opportunities for young people are endless. Socio-economic and household projects are also available. At the same time, he stressed that the focus should be on quality and affordable education, stable work and housing for young people. It was also concluded that youth today is the main engine of the country and the driving force of democratic renewal.

03.03.2022, 21:35