Contribution to the healthcare system development of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

South-Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy is moving forward and meets professional holiday with dignity!

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At the solemn meeting on the eve of celebration of medical workers’ day Vice-rector for organizational and economic work, Professor B.Makhatov handed over to officers of the Academy awards of the Ministry of healthcare and social development for long-time and fruitful work. Vice-rector for strategic development and international cooperation A. Akhmetova and head of the Department of neurology, psychiatry, Professor G. Duwanova were awarded the badge "For contribution to healthcare development", Dean of the medical faculty B. Doltaeva and Deputy Dean M. Sapakbai were awarded the badge "Excellent in healthcare business", the Honorary diploma of the Ministry of healthcare was handed over to the head of the Department of primary health care N. Yugay, letter of thanks of the Ministry of healthcare was awarded to assistant of Pediatrics Department K. Karsybayeva.

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Contribution of teachers group to the development of the Academy was awarded with diplomas of the rector of the Academy and cash prizes.

20.06.2016, 03:06