Continuity of the spiritual heritage of al-Farabi and Abay Kunanbayev

The South Kazakhstan medical Academy organized an educational and creative evening on the theme "Continuity of the spiritual heritage of al-Farabi and Abay Kunanbayev", dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the birth of al-Farabi and the 175th anniversary of the birth of Abay Kunanbayev.

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The purpose of the event: the formation of socio-cultural beauty of nature, the development of skills of artistic expression. worldview of young people based on the creativity of great people; education of a sense of patriotism, morality and respect for cultural and spiritual values, understanding

Opening the work of the recitals, the senior teacher of chair "History of Kazakhstan and social Sciences" Erkinbekova A. S. noted that the main purpose of the event is to expand knowledge on the relation between al-Farabi's legacy and work of Abai.

The evening was attended by employees of the Department and students of groups of medical and pharmaceutical faculty of specialties GM 09-19 Raini Ganiballi GM-05-19, TFP-01-19 and CТОМ-01-19. Foreign students of the medical faculty also took part in the event.

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During the round table, teachers of the Department Aidarbekova G. S., Bekkulova A. A., Utegenov B. D., Nigmatullina SH .SH, headed by the head of the Department Nurzhanbayeva Zh. O., discussed the problems and issues of farabivedeniya and abayevedeniya and their role in the education system.

There was also presented fiction in the form of book editions of the works of Abu Nasir al-Farabi and photos containing winged words and quotes of the great thinker.

Of course, such creative evenings contribute to a deeper understanding and understanding of the spiritual heritage of the "great steppe" and have an educational function in the development of the young generation.

28.02.2020, 00:52