"Constitution day" and "Knowledge day" in SKMA

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On August 31, 2019, in the Youth resource center held a festive event dedicated to the "Constitution day of the Republic of Kazakhstan" and "Knowledge day".

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The event was held in accordance with the approved plan, event was opened with a congratulatory speech by the vice-rector for educational and methodical work M. Anartaeva and the head of the department of the History of Kazakhstan and social and humanitarian disciplines, Zh. Nurzhanova, made a report on the topic: “The Constitution is a guarantee of stability”.

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The head of the Department of social affairs and youth policy E. Salim acquainted with the internal rules.

At the end of the meeting, deans of medical and pharmaceutical faculties and the director of the medical college, who gave information about the educational process and student activists introduced freshmen to the academic buildings of the academy.

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We heartily congratulate all staff and students on Constitution day and Knowledge day.

04.09.2019, 00:02