Khojakulova Umida Abdyvalyevna, assistant of the Department of «Emergency Medical Care and Nursing»PhD student, with the award of the II place at the I International Forum «Asfen. Forum, new generation – 2023»
During the Forum, the work of researchers was subject to selection, in which experts assessed the relevance, methodology and practical significance. Young scientists from 20 countries (China, Great Britain, Ireland, Finland, Turkey, Slovenia, Indonesia, South Korea, Poland, Spain, Austria, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Iran, Germany, the USA, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Russia) presented projects in the field of medicine.

The Forum discussed the topics of youth participation in the healthcare sector, new opportunities and prospects for the development of the healthcare and education system within the framework of the integration of science, education, practice and business.
The event brought together academic communities, researchers and young scientists to exchange information, experience and research results in the field of healthcare in order to motivate the creative activity of the younger generation.

We wish Umida Abdyvalyevna further creative success!

12.06.2023, 17:08