On 15 May 2022 Bekmuratov Yermek Bekmuratovich, a wonderful man, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Department of Phthisiopulmonology and Radiology of SKMA, celebrates his 80th birthday.

After graduation of medical faculty of Almaty State Medical Institute from he started working as a radiologist of Otrar district hospital of the South-Kazakhstan region. Awarded with Certificate of Honour of regional committee of trade union of medical workers for good work and excellent progress. He worked as a junior research officer of X-ray diagnostic department of KazNIIOIR of USSR. Bekmuratov E. B. 1974.
Defended his thesis on "Angiography in diagnostics of bone tumours and in evaluation of efficiency of radiation treatment of osteogenic sarcoma". Since 1976 and up to 1982 he had worked on his PhD thesis "Angiography for Diagnostics of Bone Tumours and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Radiation Treatment of Osteogenic Sarcoma". To 1982 year. Bekmuratov E.B. worked as the head of the X-ray radiological department of the Central Hospital of the IY Main Department of the Ministry of Health of Kazakh SSR. SSR. In 1979 he was awarded the title of doctor. He was awarded the title of doctor-radiologist of the highest qualification category. He developed a new method of X-ray diagnosis - intravenous hepatolienography and created a new scientific trend - liposomology in roentgenology. In 1997 he was transferred to the South Kazakhstan State Medical Academy as the Vice-Rector for scientific and clinical work. Since 1999, he has been the head of the department of phthisiology, pulmonology, radiology diagnosis and radiotherapy.
Currently undergoing refresher courses in phthisiology on: "Current problems of phthisiology. Issues of evidence-based medicine in phthisiology, including pediatrics", advanced training in phthisiology on the topic "Topical issues of phthisiology".
For good performance in work and active participation in public life E.B.Bekmuratov was awarded by medal "For valorous work", "Excellent person of Health and Education" and Diplomas of regional committee of trade union of medical workers and Ministry of Health of the RK, repeatedly he was encouraged by diplomas of gratitude and cash prizes.
We heartily congratulate Yermek Bekmuratovich on his jubilee and wish him good health and well-being!

27.05.2022, 18:50