Congratulations on the 60th anniversary of Bauyrzhan Muslimovich Zhunisbekov!

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On December 28, 2020, a remarkable man, senior duty officer at the military Department of JSC "SKMA" Bauyrzhan Muslimovich Zhunisbekov, turned 60 years old.

B. M. Zhunisbekov has been at the Department since 2013, and since that time all his work has been connected with the University. Bauyrzhan Muslimovich is distinguished by hard work, responsible approach, decency, enjoys authority and respect among colleagues and students. He's also a good family man. For many years of impeccable and conscientious work, he was repeatedly awarded diplomas and letters of thanks from the administration of the SKMA.

Dear, Bauyrzhan Muslimovich, we sincerely congratulate You on your anniversary! We sincerely wish you good health, tireless energy, family well-being and happiness!

30.12.2020, 02:05