Conference «Modern approaches to improve the work of nursing specialists»

On February 18, 2022, the Department of Emergency Medicine and Nursing held a conference at the «Shymkent Heart Center» on the topic: «Modern approaches to improving the work of nursing specialists». Master-students and students of the accelerated educational program «Nursing» when organizing the event took into account the problems of practical health care, working nursing specialists of different levels of education.
Opening the conference, the head of the department Seidakhmetova Aizat Ashimkhanovna noted that at present, in conditions of frequent stress, lack of time, information, the need for quick decision-making, intense interpersonal relationships, the overall impact on a professional personality occurs daily.
Nurgaliyeva Aigerim Tulukbaykyzy, the chief nurse of the «Shymkent Heart Center», stopped on the issues of training the nurses of the center, the increase in the number of nursing specialists with higher education from year to year, the importance of joint development of educational programs.
Master-students and students of the accelerated educational program “Nursing” showed presentations, skits, where they actively discussed approaches to working with anxious patients, measures to prevent burnout syndrome among medical workers. A video about the prevention of stress and burnout syndrome was shown at the conference. The event ended with the implementation by all participants of the training on improving general well-being in burnout syndrome and stressful conditions.

21.02.2022, 21:17