Conference at City Clinical Hospital 1

On December 2, 2022, in the city clinical hospital 1 in Shymkent, employees of the department of "Emergency Medical Care and Nursing", 1st year undergraduates of the educational program "Nursing" of the scientific and pedagogical direction and students held a conference on the topic: "The Trinity of Education, Science and practice."

In a welcoming speech, the head of the department, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Seidakhmetova A.A. noted that in modern conditions an important place is given to the task of integrating science, education and practice, the priority is innovation, interdisciplinarity, flexibility and practice orientation, which together provide training for specialists with knowledge and competencies that correspond to modern trends in the development of science and the demands of practice. The integration of education, science and practice provides for their organic connection.

Kuralbaeva G.E., Abdirasilova G.E. - made a presentation: "A new model of nursing professionals." Shyntaeva K.M., Otemis R.B. - organized a quiz with questions and answers, which were answered with interest by those present. Kuanysh A. B. - reported on integration in nursing. Next, the students showed a role-playing game - Conflict situations that arise in the process of working as a nurse. A flash mob with the involvement of the entire hall was demonstrated by undergraduates.

Invited to the event, the head of the methodological department of the Educational and Methodological Center Rasheva B.M., the chief nurse of the hospital Meimashova G.B. thanked for holding an interesting and relevant conference.

05.12.2022, 15:00