Conclusions on the sectional meeting "Modern achievements of medicinal plants’ research and chemistry of natural compounds"

On the 21st -22nd of April, 2017 the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Achievements in Modern Pharmacy and Medicine" was held in assembly hall of SKSPhA.

7 sections operated in this conference. The Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry was responsible for holding the section "Modern achievements in the research of medicinal plants and the chemistry of natural compounds". The moderators of the section were: Danail Dontchev - Director of the Research and Development Department of JSC "Khimpharm-Santo"; A.K.Patsayev - Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry; K.Dzh.Kucherbayev - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, senior researcher at the scientific-research laboratory of medicinal plants; Zh.S.Toxanbayeva - acting Professor, senior lecturer of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry.

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In total, 32 articles were accepted on section (3 of them from Uzbekistan, 2 from Ukraine and 1 from Russia.) The section was announced as open by A.K.Patsayev’s greeting speech. Masters, professional and teaching staff and scientific staff of  Pharmacognosy and Chemistry Department took an active part and performed their reports. 

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At the end of the section meeting the members of the commission unanimously chose as the best report "Morphological and anatomical features of the Agrimonia asiatica herb" by scientific assistant of scientific-research laboratory of medicinal plants R.A.Kozykeyeva. At the same time, the reports of the 1st - year master students of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry: N.Zh.Ismailov, A.M.Dzhanturaeva and A.M.Utegenov, the 2nd - year master students L.T.Badalova and Y.T.Aliyev were noted valuable and all the reporters were given certificates.

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26.04.2017, 06:27