Completion of the program of visiting a foreign scientist

On the basis of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, the visiting program of cand. of. chem. sc., chemist-expert of the laboratory of the bioequivalence by I.V. Davydovsky (Moscow, RF) Rodina T. A. from 10.10.2022 to 10.22.2022. The program included theoretical foundations, practical exercises and master classes in high performance liquid chromatography for undergraduate, graduate, doctoral students and teachers of the Academy.

Tatyana Alexandrovna is a recognized expert in the field of practical expertise, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics studies, and the study of drug bioequivalence. At the same time, liquid chromatography is widely used in tandem with UV and mass spectrometric detectors.
The listeners got acquainted with the mechanisms of separation of substances, the choice of sorbents and the selection of mobile phases, elution modes, all the nuances and conditions of chromatography. Separate lectures and master classes were devoted to equipment, selection of detectors, qualitative and quantitative analysis of drugs, validation of the chromatographic technique.

The basics of preparative chromatography, its goals and objectives, the basic principles of purification and equipment for preparative liquid chromatography, as well as the development of methods for sample preparation, purification, concentration and quality control were covered. Rodina T.A. also took part in the laying of the "first" stone at the construction site of the university clinic. The guest was especially impressed by the capacity and possibilities of the future clinic, which she compared with the world of fantasy, the embodiment of the dream of teachers studying at the Academy - our future doctors and scientists, as well as residents of South Kazakhstan, into reality.

At the end of the work schedule, a round table was held with the participation of Rodina T.A., vice-rector of the SKMA for educational and methodological work Anartayeva M.U., dean of the faculty of pharmacy Umurzakhova G.Zh., teachers and students of the Academy. Issues of further cooperation, design research work of the department and the faculty as a whole were discussed.
Professor Ordabayeva S.K. expressed gratitude to Rodina T.A. for fruitful cooperation and the opportunity for teachers and students to gain deep theoretical knowledge and skills in working on a liquid chromatograph. All students of the cycle were awarded certificates, students and undergraduates expressed their gratitude to the invited scientist for such productive classes.

The staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry expresses sincere gratitude to the leadership of the Academy for the opportunity to invite a prominent foreign scientist and practitioner in the field of quality control, safety and efficacy of medicines, which has made a certain contribution to the training of competent specialists for the country's pharmaceutical industry.

31.10.2022, 12:52