Competition "Expert of the Kazakh language"

On 26.11.2021, a competition "Expert of the Kazakh language" was held in the assembly hall of the SKMA, organized by the department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages in order to promote the works of Kazakh poets and writers among representatives of various ethnic groups.

The competition was attended by students of the 1st year. The opening speech was made by the head of the department for social affairs and youth policy of the SKMA, a member of the republican terminology group Salim E.K., who noted that the purpose of such events is not "Kazakhization" of representatives of other ethnic groups, but to teach them to understand the state language, respect the traditions of the people, apply the knowledge gained in practice, also wished good luck to the participants of the competition.
Jury of the competition was presented by: head of the department of the city educational and methodological center for the development of languages of Shymkent city - Kaldybayeva G.A., senior teacher of the Russian language SKMA -Kemelova G.M., senior teacher of the department of general subjects of the medical college - Akhbanbetova U.S.
By the decision of the jury were awarded
I place
Shkuralieva G.U., a student of group B-GMRB-10-21,
II place
Musayeva S.O, a student of group B-GMRB-11-21,
III place
Abdizhapbarova R.T., a student of group B-TPhPRA-08-21 and Tursimetova M.R., a student of group B- TPhPRB-08-21,
the nomination "The best Artist " to the student of group B-PR-03-21 Rustamzhanov S.T.,
the nomination "Master of artistic reading" to the student of the group B-STRA-06-21 Mamaedova M.S.,
the nomination "Audience sympathy" to the student of the group B-STRA-06-21 Nobikhanova F.A.
The winners of the competition and the holders of nominations on behalf of the department were awarded diplomas and gifts.
On behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Committee on Language Policy, a "Certificate of Honor" was awarded to the senior teacher of the department, Kemelkhan D.Zh., for her contribution to the development of the state language.
Language is the soul of the people, its cultural code, its honor, an inexhaustible source of inspiration, protected by the Constitution, the voice of freedom. Respect the language, develop it.

29.11.2021, 23:11