On February 23, 2024, a round table discussion titled «Collect Lids - Give Life to a Child» was held under the organization of the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology and the Center for Social Problems and Youth Policy. The main purpose of the round table was to support the environmental charity project «Lids Give Life», initiated by the «Dobryaki Shymkent» volunteer movement, and to invite students and teachers of the Academy to participate. The project aims to provide financial assistance to children with cancer while protecting the environment.
The event was attended by Vladislav Golyarko, representative of Generation GS, founder of the EcoCashback project; Kamila Nurieva, representative of the volunteer movement «Dobryaki Shymkent»; Aisulu Kunanbaeva, eco-activist, as well as teachers and student rector, responsible for the educational work of the departments of SKMA, active student volunteers took part in the event.
P.D. Utepov, Head of the Department of Hygiene and Epidemiology, opened the round table with a welcoming speech. Vladislav Golyarko presented the EcoCashback project, explaining how sorting household waste can be used to create secondary products. Eco-activist Aisulu Kunanbaeva highlighted the environmental pollution caused by solid domestic waste and discussed potential solutions. In addition, Kamila Nurieva, a representative of the «Dobryaki Shymkent» volunteer movement, presented the environmental charity project and invited attendees to support and participate in it. At the event's conclusion, the teachers and active students overseeing educational work at SKMA expressed unanimous support for continuing the project.
Head of the Department, P.D. Utepov, presented the guests with a letter of thanks from the Rector of SKMA and wished them success in their endeavors.

28.02.2024, 17:35