City contest "Tildaryn-2023"

On November 22, 2023 Shymkent city educational and methodical center of languages held a city contest "Tildaryn-2023" with the purpose of forming the culture of language communication, education of multilingual personality, strengthening of Kazakhstan patriotism, respect for culture and language of other peoples, encouragement of representatives of other nationalities who speak the state language.
The 1st year student of the group VM-MA-01-23 of the Medical Faculty Isakova Ayana Ergeshovna and 2nd year student of the group VM-MA-11-22 Moldanov Bakdaulet Bekalyevich took part in the contest from SKMA.
According to the results of especially persistent competitions Grand Prix won Moldanov Bakdaulet Bekalyevich, ІІ place-Isakova Ayana Ergeshovna, and were awarded valuable prizes.

23.11.2023, 16:56