«Charity – from a warm heart»

On April 08, 2024, under the guidance of assistants of the department "VOP-3" Baimakova G. Sh and Onlasbekova G. M., together with interns of the groups ИЖТДҚ-19-23, ИЖТДҚ-20-23, was held a charity event "Shelter of Mercy-Charity" at the Kausar corporate boarding school No. 4 in Shymkent. Charity is a ray of mercy in the heart. Charity is a good deed that comes from the virtue of the human soul, the richness of its spiritual world, the brightness of its inner world. And the virtues that the mind controls: character, heart, kindness and pure thought.
The purpose of the event: to attract interns, every citizen to do charity, to involve and help children and adolescents in achieving their dreams, joint efforts.
In the holy month of Ramadan, we tried our best to please the girls with all our hearts. 49 girls took part in the event. Realizing the value of the holy month of Ramadan and the significance of the holiday, they said that only the best is expected from this month. We brought sweets, some gifts to entertain the children. Obviously, others will not replace their parents. nevertheless, children are our main happiness.
Interns conducted explanatory work on the topic:" Healthy life is the key to health"," Proper nutrition", Tagay Umit discussed and conducted a survey with the girls. Toishiyeva Aidana and Amzehanov Murat organized various games to raise their spirits, and the girls were happy to receive various gifts of their choice by playing games.
The children were so excited that something small, they were given great pleasure. The interns continued to play with the children, watching their performances, which the girls knew themselves. One sang, the other expressively recited poetry and danced. Everyone danced different dances together. What wonderful children grow up very smart and well-mannered. We were impressed and infinitely grateful to the management of the institution, the educators who educate, no less than anyone else. Our day was very interesting. There was an inner wish that our children would not cry. The event continued with a festive table during the holy month of Ramadan.
And the management and staff of the Kausar boarding school expressed gratitude to the interns who gave the children joy, expressed gratitude, wished them health, good education, and to be kind people in white coats.
"Children are the flower of life." Such events allow children to understand the support and care of society. In the future, these children will continue to take care of and serve our society, and love their Homeland! May we have a lot of charity work!

24.04.2024, 11:39