Charity event “Give joy to children”

“Only by giving can we get more than we already have,” says the Kazakh people. Charity is considered a special feature of humanity. Charity is the love and help of people to each other, which shows kindness, the pure intention of a person towards a person, morality. Doing good is a manifestation of faith, education and common sense. Doing good is a manifestation of faith, education and common sense. New Year is a great time for good deeds! On the eve of the New Year, a charity event was held at the city “Support Center for Children in Difficult Life Situations No. 1”, organized by the teaching staff of the department “History of Kazakhstan and Social Disciplines”.
The goal of the charity event is to provide new opportunities for children who have lost their parents, so that they feel the care of society and confidently step into the future. Teachers of the department presented New Year's gifts at the “Support Center for Children in Difficult Life Situations No. 1”, and also got acquainted with the level of knowledge and life of the students, and talked with teachers. According to teachers and educators, there is support and assistance in developing children’s educational, musical and sports abilities. Only a country whose citizens care about orphans, care about their conditions and are not indifferent to the fate of society will have a bright future and stable independence!!!

26.12.2023, 15:49