Charity event "Care and Mercy"

On February 14, 2022, the Department of Emergency Medicine and Nursing organized a charity event in the Komek crisis center in Shymkent. Master students of the 1st year of study of the educational program "Nursing" were the initiators of this event. The head of the department Seydakhmetova Aizat Ashimkhanovna noted the importance of holding charitable events and good deeds.
Mothers and children of the crisis center who need social assistance received food (10 boxes). The master students expressed many warm wishes to mothers and children that being generous means sharing what you have with another person in need. One of the most valuable qualities of the Kazakh people is generosity and openness. This quality is inherent in a person who is ready to help another, to please him.
At the end of the event, the director of the crisis center Zhusupova Malika Abdrashevna expressed her deep gratitude to the organizers of the event: master students and staff of the department, gave parting words for the future. The children's parents thanked for the organized event noted that in a state where there are citizens who care and worry about the fate of society, stability and a bright future would reign.

18.02.2022, 17:53