Charity evening "Meirimdiy bolaikshy barimiz"

On February 21, 2022 in a large assembly hall of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy a charity concert "Meyrimdі bolayikshy barimiz" organized by the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy and the student trade union organization was held. The charity concert was organised to raise funds for the treatment of Kalim Zangar, a second-year general medicine student at SKMA suffering from chronic lymphoblastic leukaemia.

The charity concert was attended by well-known singers such as: E. Nurzhanov, A. Baisov,. M. Kaskyrbaev, N. Baltakoja, B. Seksenbekov, B. Kurmanaliev, B. Zholdasov

Askar Bibigul Abdrashidovna, mother of Kalim Zangar, who came to the concert, thanked the staff and students of SKMA, the artists and all those who provided material assistance.
Funds raised from concert tickets and donations amounted to 1,600,000 tenge.The funds were fully transferred to Kalim Zangar.

The evening was attended by SKMA staff and students, who thanked the organisers and wished Kalim Zangar a speedy recovery and to join us.

23.02.2022, 09:45