Certification of professional skills of graduates

The last "chord" of the graduates of the pharmaceutical faculty was the certification of practical skills with the technologies of the objective structured practical examination (OSPE) in profile disciplines.

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As independent examiners in pharmaceutical chemistry, OSPE was accepted by our employers: Zh.M. Nysanbayev - director of the South Kazakhstan Center for Expertise in Drugs, Medical Devices and Medical Equipment, A.Zh. Izteleuova - the head of the testing laboratory of the South Kazakhstan Center for Expertise in Drugs, Medical Devices and Medical Equipment, L.A. Polynchuk - the head of the sector of specifications of the Quality Assurance Department of JSC “Chimpharm”.

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OPSE workstations for determining the basic indicators of the quality of drugs are equipped with modern equipment, where students have the opportunity to work in laboratory classes, as well as in the performance of scientific research.

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Appreciation was given to independent examiners of the professional competence of graduates to control the quality of medicines using chemical and physicochemical methods of analysis. Employers expressed gratitude to the staff of the department, the leadership of the academy for creating good conditions for students, training qualified personnel for the pharmaceutical industry of the country.

11.07.2018, 00:26