Certification of practical skills of students

At the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, a series of certifications of practical skills are held using the technologies of an objective structured practical exam (OSPE) in basic and specialized disciplines of the EP "Pharmacy".
Our employers, S.T. Sultanbekova, Head of the Physical and Chemical Laboratory of the Testing Center of BioEtica LLP, G.U. Abitaeva is an expert chemist of the highest category of the chemical-toxicological department of the Institute of Forensic Examinations in Shymkent of the "Center for Forensic Examination" of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

OSPE workstations for determining the main indicators of the quality of medicines and chemical and toxicological analysis of toxicologically significant substances were equipped with modern equipment, on which students had the opportunity to work in laboratory classes, as well as when performing research work during the academic semester.
Independent examiners highly appreciated the professional competencies of graduates in quality control of medicines and chemical and toxicological analysis of toxicologically significant substances using chemical and physicochemical methods of analysis.

Employers expressed their gratitude to the staff of the department, the leadership of the Academy for creating good conditions for students, training qualified personnel for the pharmaceutical industry and the country's forensic examination.

21.12.2022, 16:26