Caring and compassion, civic duty of every man!

On October 12, 2015 in the orphan-asylum "Bauyrzhan" which is located in the "Soviet"district in  Shymkent act of charity was organized. To help orphans and amuse them, the teaching staff and students of the Department “Hygiene-2” of SKSPhA  went to the orphanage "Bauyrzhan" and hosted this event. A word of salutation was pronounced by director of the Department, M.U. Bekzhanova.

As guests to festive event Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine in "Public healthcare" G.E. Tolebayeva and chairman of the student union committee of SKSPHA  B.S.Baymbetova were invited.

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The event was hosted by the students of groups 510 HPC and 411 HPC A. Zhunis and Zh. Isakulov. On holiday for 57 inmates of a Children's Home students tried to give great fun, singing and dancing.

At the end of the event the staff of the Department of Hygiene 2" gave various gifts to inmates of children's home "Bauyrzhan" and imparted confidence in the future in each of them. Director of orphan-asylum made a speech and thanked the staff of the Department. The children sang, danced and variously showed their art.

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Saying "take care of orphans" our ancestors who also chose the path of Islam hand over this education from generation to generation. Employees of the Department of Hygiene-2 which made such a good thing, are about to continue organization of such acts of charity.

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In conclusion we need to say that in the state in which citizens care about the orphans, help them, worry for the fate of society will reign stability in independence and bright future!!! 

11.11.2015, 23:30