«Carboxylic acids. Dicarboxylic acids»

On 13.12. 2023, when organizing the department of “Pharmaceutical Disciplines,” an open lesson was held with students of group S-MIK-01/09/23 on the topic “Carboxylic acids. Dicarboxylic acids." 
The main goal of the open lesson is for the student to know the nomenclature, properties, production and use of carboxylic acids. We implemented the evaluation criteria using digital resources using the “small group” method. As a result, students’ understanding and acceptance of the lesson was at a high level. Discussion of past topics, the intellectual game “Think, Find”, “Young Chemist” experiments, and the “Quizzizz.com” platform were used.
Finally, the responses to the questionnaire were classified and the Small Group method was classified as an effective method. Students received grades for activity and group work. Students learned to do practical work.

15.12.2023, 14:48