Business trip of external academic mobility

Ph.D., Professor Seytkhanova Bibigul Tolegenovna has participated in the Second International Conference "Modern Problems, Problems and Perspectives of Medical Education" in the frames of external academic mobility in Bukhara State Medical University. Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Bukhara City, Republic of Uzbekistan, from 12 to 20 April, 2019. The Department of Microbiology and Phthisiology has lectured on the lectures and practical courses for students using interactive methods. My professor read a master class. Professor teaching staff discussed about preparing monograph, smart card for practical training on microbiology. There was a collaborative curriculum for the disciplines. Planned for work in the scientific-technical project, published scientific articles. A.Sh.Inoatov, the rector of the institute, has been working for the academic mobility of foreign students in the circles.

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26.04.2019, 04:43