Biologically active substances: from medicine to poison

The staff of the eponymous departments of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry of Sechenov University and the Academy organized an international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Biologically active substances: from medicine to poison".
At the conference, the director of the Institute of Pharmacy named after A.P. Nelyubin of Sechenov University, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Ramenskaya G.V., chief freelance toxicologist of the Moscow Department of Health, acting head of the department of clinical toxicology of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, PhD Simonova A.Yu., head of the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Ordabayeva S.K. delivered a welcoming speech.

The conference heard reports on the use of biologically active substances that pose a risk to public health. There have been numerous reports of adverse events caused by natural bioactive compounds. The reports have demonstrated review and experimental work on the chemical-toxicological analysis of bioactive plant compounds commonly used in herbal dietary supplements and their relative toxicity.
The conference was held at a high practical, methodological and scientific level. The conference moderators were students of the scientific school of the great scientist, professor, doctor of biological sciences Maria Dmitrievna Shvaikova - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Belova M.V. and Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor Rodionova G.M. The scientific and pedagogical activity of Shvaikova M.D. largely and for many years determined and contributed to the development of forensic chemistry and forensic chemical expertise in the CIS countries. The scientific interests of Maria Dmitrievna were determined and were associated primarily with the needs of forensic chemical expertise. Continuing the traditions of M.D. Shvaikova, the conference featured relevant reports on the chemical and toxicological analysis of toxicologically important substances and their further implementation in expert practice.

The conference was held in a hybrid format. The time of the conference coincided with the students' industrial practice at Sechenov University. Our students, members of the Council of People's Commissars, Nevzanova E., Nurlybek A., Kim D. and Esenali S. presented reports on the results of chemical-toxicological analysis of meloxicam and pregabalin isolated from biological material.
The department staff members Serikbayeva A.D. participated online with the report Development of a chromatographic method for neonicotinoids isolated from a biomatrix and Musabekov Zh.T. - on the topic "HPLC method for determining amlodipine in urine". All reports of our participants are the result of scientific research carried out at the request of the Forensic Science Center of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At the conference, all our reports were highly appreciated by the organizers and participants, and the students who spoke in person won 1st and 2nd place prizes. We express our deep gratitude to all the organizers of the conference for the opportunity to speak within the walls of Sechenov University, where the scientific school of toxicological chemistry was born and established.

11.07.2024, 10:28