On February 10, 2021, the Local Bioethics Commission (LBC) of JSC SKMA held a seminar on the topic: "Bioethics as a modern form of medical ethics". The seminar was held by the head of Family medicine deparetment, the head of LBC, Cand.Sc., Associate professor Zh.A. Kauyzbai and lead specialist of LBC, Master of medical sciences, PhD A.A. Assan and, with the active participation of the head of the Department of scientific and clinical work, doctoral and Master’s programs A.A. Zhaksylyk. The participants of the seminar were 1st and 2nd year doctoral and Master’s program students of all areas and specialties.

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The report of Zh.A. Kauyzbai reflected the history, principles and problems of bioethics, the system of ethical expertise, the legal framework for conducting bioethical examinations, ethical problems of clinical researches, issues of patient rights and their safety, goals, objectives and structure of the local bioethical commission.

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Lead specialist of LBC A.A. Assan informed about the required list of documents for bioethical expertise of Master’s Degree and doctoral students’ planned research, as well as exchanged views on issues of ethical examinations and answered questions from the audience.

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11.02.2021, 02:38