Binary lecture as an aspect between theory and practice

At the Department of Pharmacognosy held open lecture on November 30, 2021 at 6 pm by using ATM in a distance format for 3rd year students of the specialty of 6В07201 "Technology of pharmaceutical production" for groups В-TPPRАБ-05-19; V-TPPRAB-07-19, on the discipline "Chemistry of natural medicinal compounds" on the topic "Medicinal plants and raw materials containing flavonoids and their glycosides", which organized by cand. of, acting professor Orynbassarova K.K. and with the participation of co-lecturer head of production of pharmaceutical company LLP "Zerde-Phyto" Zhumatayev M.Zh.

The binary lecture held as an aspect between theory and practice. During the lecture used an innovative approach. In a fairly short period of time, it was possible to touch upon all aspects of the topic being studied, and each student was also able to find answers to his questions. Thanks to the incredible professionalism of both lecturers, it was possible to compare theory and practice in real time.

The choice of disciplines on binary lecture was not unexpected. If information on the chemistry of natural medicinal compounds was covered by the main lecturer, cand. of, Acting professor Orynbassarova K.K., then the practical part, that is, medicinal plants and raw materials containing flavonoids and their glycosides, was reported by co-lecturer Zhumatayev M.Zh., who is the head of production of a pharmaceutical company LLP Zerde-Phyto. It is also shown 4 video accompaniments, which described how medicinal plants and raw materials are produced in the pharmaceutical company LLP Zerde-Phyto.

At the end of the lecture, students of the specialty "Technology of pharmaceutical production" passed the online test on the Quizizz program for the assimilation of the material. The students thanked all the lecturers for such an interesting and informative lecture, as well as for the opportunity to communicate with the production manager of the pharmaceutical company LLP Zerde-Phyto.

Thus, the binary lecture, as an aspect between theory and practice, made it possible to achieve efficiency in the formation of professional competencies of a pharmacist and learn new knowledge. Such classes allow the student to form the ability to apply knowledge in professional activities.

07.12.2021, 19:45