December 14, 2023, 1:00 p.m. at the Department of Pharmacognosy an open binary lecture was held using active teaching methods for 4th-year students in the educational program 6B10106 - “Pharmacy”, B-PKAB-01-20, B-PKAB-02-20, B -PK-03-20 groups, in the discipline “Resource science and ecology of medicinal plants” on the topic “Ecological problems of environmental pollution and the impact on the quality of medicinal plants.”
The lecture was given by Ph.D., acting. Professor Orynbassarova K. with the participation of a co-lecturer from colleagues from partner universities, a visiting professor from the Department of Pharmacognosy with a course in Botany and the fundamentals of herbal medicine at the Bashkir State Medical University, Doctor of Pharmacy, took part in the lecture Pupykina K.

Despite the possibility for students to obtain unlimited information from the Internet and books, the lecture has not lost its relevance at present, since the purpose of the lecture is to clarify and systematize knowledge on the subject, paying special attention to the basic and complex parts of the science being studied. One of them is reading a binary lecture - as an interactive teaching method. A lecture for two (binary lecture) is a type of lecture with problematic content in the form of a dialogue between two teachers.

The purpose of the binary lecture is to actively involve students in the thinking process to develop the ability to express their point of view in the education system.
At the same time, the recommended type of lecture - a binary model of teaching - is an important means of implementing intra-subject and inter-subject connections, allows you to transfer theory into practice, makes learning holistic and systemic, forms the cognitive interest of students, and helps to increase motivation to value.

This lecture was held in multilingual form in the state and Russian languages, during which Professor Pupykina K. told students about the classification of environmental problems, chemical pollution, environmental pollutants and their harmful effects on the environment, ecological and physiological factors, including the effects of water, light, temperature, conditions for collecting medicinal plant materials, methods of primary processing, drying, bringing medicinal plant materials to a standard state, packaging, storage, transportation.
In turn, Ph.D., acting. Professor Orynbassarova K. explained about medicinal plant materials in which toxic substances accumulate, the influence of environmental factors on the collection of plant materials, the peculiarities of their collection, methods of their processing, packaging, and transportation.
During the lecture, feedback was established with students, since after the lecture many questions related to the new topic were asked, as well as answers during the cognitive discussion.

Even though the approved lecture time was short, the lecturers were able to fully cover and explain all aspects of the topic being studied. In addition, each student was able to find a comprehensive answer by asking questions that interested him.
Thanks to the professional competence of the teachers, the lecture was very interesting and high quality. Lecturers were able to combine theory and practice in real-time. At the end of the lecture, students and teachers shared their impressions. The students thanked the lecturers for such an interesting and multifaceted lecture, promising to apply the acquired knowledge in practice in the future.

21.12.2023, 16:27