Binary academic science lecture with an employer

A planned open binary lecture on "Bioanalytical chemistry and toxicology" was held at the department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry.
The co-lecturers of the joint lecture were Zulfikarieva D.A., c.pharm.s., associate professor of the department of toxicological chemistry of Tashfarmi and Zhumataeva G.S., head of the chemical and toxicological department of the Forensic Examination Center of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The lecture was held in a mixed format, the co-lecturers connected via the Zoom platform.

The binary lecture combined obtaining information on laboratory express diagnostics of acute poisoning with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from domestic and foreign scientists, the development of which creates an opportunity for students to form a holistic picture of the future multifaceted, interrelated and interdependent professional activity.
Information on the statistics of poisoning with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical and chemical properties and metabolic pathways, methods of isolation from biological objects and preliminary methods of analysis were highlighted by the main lecturer, acting associate professor A.D.Serikbayeva.
Students listened with great interest to information about side effects, the clinical picture of poisoning with drugs from the NSAID group, which was reported by D.A. Zulfikarieva.
No less interesting was the material of G.S. Zhumatayeva on methods of confirmatory analysis of toxicants in biological objects using modern physico-chemical methods and interpretations of the results obtained. Gulnara Segizbayevna focused on the situation from the practice of forensic examination. She also noted that the integrated knowledge and skills acquired in the EP "Pharmacy" greatly facilitate the process of chemical and toxicological analysis of toxicants.

After the lecture, students and teachers shared their impressions. The students thanked all the lecturers for such an interesting and multifaceted lecture, and the organizers for the opportunity to communicate with foreign teachers and employers.
Thus, a binary lecture with a partner university and an employer provided the most effective perception and consolidation of information material. Such classes allow the student, repeatedly applying knowledge in each studied or studied discipline, to form the ability to apply knowledge in further professional activities.

10.02.2023, 20:07