On December 6, within the framework of the I International Forum of Young Scientists and Students the "Competition of Scientific Projects" was held.
The "Competition of Scientific Projects" is to support scientific creativity of young scientists and students. Only 18 projects were selected for the final final, five of which were awarded with special cash prizes of "Galamat Group" Holding:
1. 100 000 KZT
"Management of sleep disorders in breast cancer patients: a best practice implementation project"
- Sadueva Feruza Khaidaralievna, Medical University of Karaganda, Assistant Professor, Director of JBI Affiliated Group
- Dana Auezkhankyzy, South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, PhD doctoral student, assistant of department
- Seydakhmetova Aizat Ashimkhanovna, Head of the Department of "Emergency Medicine and Nursing" South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
- Zhuldyz Kuanysh, Scientific Secretary, National Scientific Oncology Center, Deputy Director, JBI Affiliated Group.
- Paolo Colet, Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, Assistant Professor, Deputy Director of JBI Affiliated Group.
2. 50 000 KZT
" Development of an innovative 4-lumen probe for the treatment of esophageal burns in children"
- Dzhaparov Akhmadkul Iriskulovich, Master of Medical Sciences, doctor, pediatric surgeon, GDKB Shymkent.
- Abdiev Bagdat Nurgaliuly, a resident of UKMA 2nd training in the specialty "Pediatric Surgery"
- Bekzhan Nurdaulet Tulegenuly, a resident of the UKMA 2nd training in the specialty of "Pediatric Surgery".
3. 50 000 KZT
"Peculiarities of changes in the level of regulatory autoantibodies in obstetric hemorrhage depending on the parity of labor"
Kulbayeva Saltanat Nalibekkyzy, JSC "South Kazakhstan Medical Academy", Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, PhD, Associate Professor
4. 50 000 KZT
"Water encapsulation"
- Aqaeva Alia Sagyndykkyzy - School of Pharmacy "Technology of Pharmaceutical Production", student of 4th year, NAO MUK
- Mollakhanova Feruza Erkinbai kizi
- Kuandyk Aruzhan Sakenkizi
- Shakarmanova Uлжан Мuhtarkyzy
- Shahman Dinara Pernekhankyzy
5. 50 000 KZT
"Development of effective and safe combined phytopreparation with antiparasitic activity on the basis of domestic plant raw materials"
- Rakhmanova Dilnoza Makhmudovna, 5th year student of "Pharmacy" faculty of UKMA.
- Isabaeva Diana Bauyrzhanovna, 5th year student of "Pharmacy" Faculty, UKMA
- Kuznetsova Karina Evgenievna, 5th year student of "Pharmacy" Faculty, UKMA
- Nezvanova Ekaterina Igorevna, 4th year student of "Pharmacy" Faculty, UKMA
- Ordabaeva Saule Kutymovna, Project Manager, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of UKMA, Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor.

As a result of the competition:
"Grand Prix" was won by Sadueva Feruza Khaidaralievna, Dana Auezkhanovna, Seydakhmetova Aizat Ashimkhanovna, Zhuldyz Kuanysh, Paolo Kolet. The title of the project is "Management of sleep disorders in breast cancer patients: a best practice implementation project".
1st place went to - Dzhaparov Akhmadkul Iriskulovich, Abdiev Bagdat Nurgaliuli, Bekzhan Nurdaulet Tolegenuly. The name of the project: " Development of an innovative 4-lumen probe for the treatment of esophageal burns in children".
The 2nd place was taken by Kulbaeva Saltanat Nalibekkyzy. The name of the project: "Peculiarities of changes in the level of regulatory autoantibodies in obstetric hemorrhage depending on the parity of labor".
The 3rd place was taken by Akayeva Alia Sagyndykkyzy, Mollakhanova Feruza Erkinbai kizi, Kuandyk Aruzhan Sakenkyzy, Shakarmanova Ulzhan Muhtarkyzy, Shakhman Dinara Pernekhankyzy. Name of the project: "Water encapsulation".
We hope that these research projects will have a significant impact on the future of all participants, stimulating their further development.

20.12.2023, 16:35