Basketball tournament

On 28st April, 2017 South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy hosted an inter-university basketball tournament among students (boys) titled “Health is wealth”, 6 teams from six universities of Shymkent and Turkistan took part in this event.

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The event was organized by student union organization, Physical Training Department; students of local team took direct part.  

It was used the Olympic basketball bed, which is the most practical for this kind of competitions. 

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The team of SKSI (South  Kazakhstan State Institute) won the victory in this tournament, this team became the cup - winner, the second prize was awarded to the team of IKTU (International Kazakh – Turkish University, Turkestan), the third prize was awarded to SKSPhA, other participants were awarded recognition gifts. Among the participants of this tournament there were Candidates Master of Sports, their participation had a beneficial effect on the quality of the competitions.

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All participated teams expressed their gratitude to the organizers of this tournament.

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02.05.2017, 07:12