April 27, 2022 Office of Social Affairs and Youth Policy with the support of the student trade union held a competition AWARD "THE BEST YOUTH-2022"

The main criteria for determining the best were academic performance, discipline, achievements of national, regional and local importance, all members of the commission unanimously decided by presenting their candidates.

According to the results of the competition in the category "Best Organization" were awarded: "Organization Zhaidarman", "Best Head of Organization" student of 3 year of general medicine faculty Zhuzgenbai Perizat, "Best Leader" student of 2 year of technology of pharmaceutical production Alaidar Aruzhan, "Best Student Dean" student of 3 year of applied bachelor's degree in nursing Omirtay Gulnur, "The best debater" 2nd year student of pharmaceutical production technology Chapay Nurshat, "The best young scientist" 2nd year Master's student of scientific-pedagogical direction of educational program М142 "Pharmacy" Konash Nyshanbay "Best Master's student" 2nd year Master's student of scientific-pedagogical direction of educational program M142 "Pharmacy" Kersheeva Imanai, 2nd year student of pharmaceutical production technology Gulam Kadyr Diana, "Best Volunteer" 2nd year student of pharmaceutical production technology, "Best Athlete" 3rd year student of general medicine faculty Risbakov Mahsadhuja, "Best Graduate" 4th year student of public Health specialty Pernebekov Elkhan, "The best student" the student of 5 course of Pharmacy faculty Abilova Ardak, "The best student of 1st course" the student of 1 course of general medicine faculty Tazhiev Sirojiddin, "Best Team Leader" student of the medical college Koibagar Rauan, "The best activist" the student of 3 course of technology of pharmaceutical production Shilter Nurtileu.

The winners were awarded diplomas and cash prizes. Head of the Department of Social Affairs and Youth Policy Е. Salim congratulated the winners and wished them success in their studies and social life.

29.04.2022, 10:27