Audience sympathy-TONYBLAIR!

November 3, 2021 at the Asfendiyarov KazNMU Kazakh Academy of Nutrition held the republican student conference «COVID-19 and nutrition: new accents and priorities» organized by the department of nutrition. The conference was attended by undergraduates and bachelor students of the Asfendiyarov KazNMU, KNU Al-Farabi, SKMA, AMU, HSPH.

The conference began with a welcoming speech by doctor of medical sciences, professor Sharmanov Toregeldy, who chaired the conference. At this conference, a 3rd-year foreign student of the specialty «General Medicine» Leishangthem Tonyblair under the guidance of P.D. Utepov and the master of the department, senior lecturer L.O. Baikonsova made a report in English on the topic: «Assessment of the daily diet of foreign students during the pandemic». In the report, the chemical composition and energy value of the daily menu of foreign students were calculated and evaluated.

The report of the student Leishangthem Tonyblair was well appreciated by the commission and was awarded the «Audience Sympathy» nomination for active participation in the conference, and was also awarded a certificate from vice rector for corporate development U.M. Datkhaev. and the monographic work of doctor professor Sharmanov T. for Medical Sciences, «FOOD IS AN IMPORTANT FACTOR OF HUMAN HEALTH». Congratulations to student Leishangthem Tonyblair on the victory! May there be many achievements on the path of science!

09.11.2021, 17:14