«Ата Заңым – айбыным!»

On August 31, 2021, a meeting dedicated to the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in the large assembly hall of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. The event was opened by Rector of SKMA M. Rysbekov, who congratulated the team on the Constitution Day and wished success in the new academic year. This year, the founder of SKMA S. Seitzhanov took part in the scientific meeting. In his speech, Seitzhanov spoke about the history of the Academy, the beginning of the construction of a multidisciplinary clinic, new technologies in the field of medicine and education. He noted that in order to become a qualified doctor, you need to work hard, study.

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The report was made by the senior teacher of department of history of Kazakhstan and social and public disciplines B. Utegenov who stopped on value and the history of our Basic Law.

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In general, the celebration of Constitution Day is based on strengthening the unity of peoples, patriotic education, knowledge of the content of the Constitution and the application of its norms in everyday life, education and enhancement of legal culture.

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May our people live quietly in unity, peace! May the honor and status of our country be exalted!

Happy Constitution Day!

31.08.2021, 19:28