At the II International Olympiad "Samarkand 2020", a 5th-year student of the SKMA took second place among 7 countries of the far and near abroad

On December 14-15, 2021, Samarkand Medical University hosted students of medical universities in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Belarus and Turkey.
Around 300 students who arrived at the Olympiad competed in 30 subjects. They had to pass tests, and then demonstrate visual and practical knowledge.
The Olympiad was held in Russian, Uzbek and English.
The creative projects of the participants were evaluated by a jury consisting of experts, professors and teachers from foreign countries.
The second place was awarded by the jury to the 5th-year student of the specialty "General Medicine" of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy Hamidulla Mirzatillaev. The scientific supervisor is Marlen Esirkepov, the first vice-rector of SKMA.
The students who participated in the International Olympiad were awarded with certificates.
The head of the Department of Scientific and Clinical Work, doctoral studies and master's degree Alikhan Zhaksylyk took part in the Olympiad and addressed the student audience.
We congratulate a student Hamidulla Mirzatillayev on a worthy victory!

23.12.2021, 16:34