At the department of Organization and management of pharmaceutical business dual training – as one of the tools for improving the professional competence of students

The dual system of training used at the Department of Pharmacy Management is based on the interaction of the department and pharmacy organizations in order to acquire professional competencies and achieve training results in the discipline "Effective Communications in Pharmacy". Practical classes for 2nd-year students of the specialty "Pharmacy" on the topic: "Pharmacist's approaches to the patient depending on the individual, age and nature of the disease" were held on the basis of pharmacies "Zerde pharm" , "Europharma", "Murat pharm", "Sadikhan".

Students of group B-FCB-01-20AB got acquainted with the stages of professional pharmaceutical approaches to the pharmacy patient. They also have studied the peculiarities of the pharmacy patient's mentality and the pharmacist's approaches to the patient, depending on age and disease. They got acquainted with the official duties of employees, mastered effective approaches to building relationships between pharmacists, doctors and consumers of pharmaceutical services.

01.03.2024, 11:13