Arterial hypertension

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On November 18, 2015 the department of "Therapy Bachelor" of SKSPhA the educational and methodical seminar was held with the participation of 3-year students of the Faculty of “Medical and preventive care” under the leadership of head of  Therapy bachelor Department, PhD, Professor E.K.Bekmurzayeva and assistant of the department B.M.Baidullayeva on "Arterial Hypertension".

The purpose of the seminar was the relevance of this pathology, which is capable of striking a target vital organs, resulting in early disability and mortality of patients of working age.

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Students prepared presentations and videos on the topic, including the new classification, principles of drug treatment and prevention. And also role-playing game with a simulation of the patient was shown, where we saw the correct technique of blood pressure measurement using a tonometer Korotkov and quizzes for feedback. All the students took an active part in the game and answered questions. Each group separately prepared poster presentations that fully disclose the subject and have been evaluated by the staff of the department and the guests of the seminar on "excellent".

Then such guests as acting professor, Dean of the Medicine Faculty, B.O Ashirov and a representative of EMC SHSPhA, A.V. Pack gave positive assessment to the conducted seminars.

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We sincerely hope that this seminar will increase alertness and knowledge level of young people on this issue, which they will use to promote healthy lifestyle in their professional activities.

At the end of the seminar the head of department, d.m.s, professor, E.K Bekmurzaeva and thanked the guests for their presence at the seminar, as well as students' active participation and wished them success in their studies.

10.12.2015, 03:14